It is a very innovative technique which was really ancient.

It consists of generating a superficial tattoo by means of little scratches where ink is inserted. In this way we get a super real effect with a HEAD BY HEAD FINISH.

It lasts between 8 months and 1 year, depending on the type of skin and the care it has been given. After this period, skin is clean, without any trace of ink and without leaving any scar. 

You are in good hands! Merry is an expert in eyebrows and she has over 400 clients every month only in services that are related to eyebrows. She has been working on styling of eyebrows for over 15 years. 


Like any other incision it requires strict insecurity norms, such as elements that are 100% disposable or sterilized. We request a form that is filled out and signed by each client and in some cases by a doctor too. It is crucial to have a rigorous hygiene and the commitment of taking the appropriate care so as to avoid infections, lower pigmentation or changes in the pigmentation among many others.


The first instance is the consultation. This is free of charge. We will just charge the styling of the eyebrows if it is necessary.

During this consultation we will tell you what the procedure is about, the way it is done, how long it takes to have it done, how long it lasts and the cares previous and after the procedure which are of out most importance. 

We will clear out all your doubts so that you can be completely sure before going through it.

Together with Mery you can define the most natural shape for your face and the length you want to get at that moment. At that time your eyebrows will be made up filling out all the necessary gaps so that you will have an idea of the way your eyebrows will look like. 

This consultation is the key to get information and to know what it is about. It is also good if you are able to have it done and if you can follow the post procedure instructions for taking care of them.

Once your first consultation was done and you are decided, you can take your first appointment for Microblading. 

This price is divided in two parts: the first session, and if necessary a touch is given on a second session which will take place between 30 to 60 days after the first one and it has an additional cost. In this way we will be able to evaluate the final result once it is healed 100% taking into account the result and the expectation of the client.

After these two sessions and after three months of having had the service, it will be considered maintenance which has a cost of 10% less of the total Price of session 1.

You can always ask for an appointment for maintenance after this period of time, but we ALWAYS recommend visiting Mery and having her give you her own feedback because there are many times in which with a simple shaping you can have your eyebrows in perfect condition without any need of having Maintenance of Microblading. In this way we avoid overworking over that area and we can avoid leaving traces that may turn to be compact and without charm losing its natural look which is the idea of our work. 


There is no type of study which confirms that Microblading is harmless for pregnant women, so we decide not to provide this service to women who are expecting a baby.
After pregnancy and during breast feeding period, with doctor’s authorization Microblading can be done.

You can have your appointment with Mery whenever you want to!
All the appointments are given in our shops or our site at Appointments Online.
For special appointments outside Buenos Aires, you have to be ready to our news posted on our social networks.
For further information, send us an email to info@merygarcia.com.ar 


It is a service that combines dermopigmentation, color correction, texture and structure so as to IMPROVE THE ASPECT of previous mal practice or a work that is deteriorated due to dermopigmentation of Microblading.

In the case of Camouflage there are three needs: 


In this case the eyebrow has a right color for the skin of the client but the shape is not harmonic for her face. For instance, if the eyebrow were too broad, we would be able to delete the surplus edges so as to get an appropriate shape for the client’s face.

The number of sessions of this deleting process will depend on the intensity and depth of the ink. 

In this precise case, we avoid the neutralization step of color as it is fine and there is no need of modifying it. We just need to delete it. 

Once we get the width, length and arch accordingly, we will work on the design of the box and texture with Microblading technique. 

It is important to clear out that there should be one month between one session and the other so as to make skin heal correctly.  


In this case the eyebrow has a non harmonic shape and the color could be kind of blue, grey or green.

The first thing we do is to correct the color so as neutralize it, heating the ink and combining a soft acid to thin the pigment.

As the shape is also wrong, that is to say it is too broad; we will delete all the necessary edges.

Once the eyebrow is healed and in another session we will work on a new design of the box and texture with Microblading technique. In this same session if it were necessary the remaining edges could be deleted and we will apply the camouflage technique. 

One month after Microblading, it will be evaluated if it is necessary to intensify the traces and we will improve the deleting of any extra ink that has remained there. 

It is important to clear out that there should be one month between one session and the other so as to make skin heal correctly. 


In this case the eyebrow has a harmonic shape for the client but the color is not the one desired.

The first thing to be done is the correction of the color so as to neutralize it, heating the ink and combine it with a smooth acid to thin the pigment.

Once the eyebrow is healed and in another session we will work on a new design of the box and texture with Microblading technique.

It is important to clear out that there should be one month between one session and the other so as to make skin heal correctly.


Like any other incision it requires strict insecurity norms, such as elements that are 100% disposable or sterilized. We request a form that is filled out and signed by each client and in some cases by a doctor too. It is crucial to have a rigorous hygiene and the commitment of taking the appropriate care so as to avoid infections, lower pigmentation or changes in the pigmentation among many others.


The first instance is the consultation. This is free of charge. We will just charge the styling of the eyebrows if it is necessary.

During this consultation we will tell you what the procedure is about, the way it is done, how long it takes to have it done, how long it lasts and the cares previous and after the procedure which are of out most importance. 

We will clear out all your doubts so that you can be completely sure before going through it.

Together with Rosy from Staff Mery García you can define the most natural shape for your face and the length you want to get at that moment. At that time your eyebrows will be made up filling out all the necessary gaps so that you will have an idea of the way your eyebrows will look like. 

This consultation is the key to get information and to know what it is about. It is also good if you are able to have it done and if you can follow the post procedure instructions for taking care of them. 

Once your first consultation was done and you are decided, you can take your first appointment for Camouflage.

Each session of camouflage has a cost and you can do ir with Mery or Rosy.

The number of sessions needed will depend on Rosy’s criteria and the response of the skin of each client.
Once the sessions of Camouflage have finished you can have a Microblading session so as to give the desired texture to your eyebrows. 

Microblading service has an additional charge to Camouflage.


There is no type of study which confirms that Microblading is harmless for pregnant women, so we decide not to provide this service to women who are expecting a baby.
After pregnancy and during breast feeding period, with doctor’s authorization Microblading can be done.

You can have your appointment with Rosy whenever you want to!
All the appointments are given in our shops or our site at Appointments Online.
For special appointments outside Buenos Aires, you have to be ready to our news posted on our social networks.
For further information, send us an email to info@merygarcia.com.ar